Amateurs and pros alike will be able to learn plenty from the vast wealth of knowledge available. Books will never replace instructors but they do have a place in the learning process. All the moves you find in the book are banned on DVD as well! Detailed descriptions alongside hi-res pictures allow focus on individual parts of each move, to get perfect refinement. However, the Tricktionary DVD was created together with the Tricktionary 2 and therefore fits perfectly to our new book. After more than 3 years, finally this extremely comprehensive brandnew Windsurfing Tricktionary book is finished! windsurfing tricktionary dvd

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The biggest advantage out of trkcktionary brand new awesome technology is, that it allowes to record with 50 full frames per second - which delivers super smooth slow motions. For example, the gybe section has several pages explaining pre-exercises, and much more on each part of the move.

Windsurfing DVDs - Tricktionary

Michael Rossmeier, creator of the Tricktionary brand, has recently released the third book in the series: Dvc yourself the ultimate instructional windsurfing dvd box!.

All the video footage was recorded in HD! To clarify, this is not Tricktionary 2 plus some new moves.

windsurfing tricktionary dvd

Basically the whole Windsurfing Tricktionary 2 book as Video! However, the Tricktionary DVD was created trivktionary with the Tricktionary 2 and therefore fits perfectly to our new book.

The advanced moves are now so advanced, and the diversity of styles that it is almost impossible for a single rider to be able to do all the tricks!

Amateurs and pros alike will be able to learn plenty from the vast wealth of knowledge available. It has 7 chapters, beginning with how to get on a board and finishing with the most extreme wave moves.

Building on the success of the original publication, Tricktionary rvd came, alongside a DVD and app- the three of these put together to create the ultimate instructional tool. This makes the whole scenery and the movements extremely dvx.

Tricktionary is the dedication to supply every piece of knowledge for every riding level and style, in order to make you learn and progress more quickly and with. Windsurfing tricktionary dvd File size: Order in our webshop or in your windsurf shop. Browse through our various products and find your perfect media book, dvd. The most up to winddurfing and best windsurfing action movie EVER!!

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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. From the producers of Four Dimensions - prepare.

Windsurfing Tricktionary DVD Box

OR save some money with our Trickpack combo. The wave section has also been expanded. Tricktionary 3 — Windsurf Bible. Books tricktlonary never replace instructors but they do have a place in the learning process. One of these is Tricktionary; the first book to really focus on the advanced freestyle moves.

Tricktionary DVD Box - Tricktionary | Extreme Sports | Access Your Potential

The Tricktionary crew recently dropped edition three of their popular windsurf instruction manual on audiences. Tricktionary provides the most complete xvd learning experience possible. The only thing missing is being able to do it! The people who will get the best out of Tricktionary 3 are the ones who want to push themselves… if you are serious, then you will find help every step of the way.

Tricktionary Onlinestore

The market for mobile applications for windsurfers is very limited, due to the limited continue to be happy with our products, as they are with our books or dvds.

By using a special technique when filming, we could push stop-motions to a never seen quality! With plenty of information on kit, diagrams and explanations on dgd a windsurfer works and fantastic problem solving — there is a lot to be learnt here.

The ultimate windsurfing instructional Movie. Plenty of information is available on simply getting out and on your first wave, and what equipment is suitable, rather than pushing towards those that are already comfortable on waves.

But of course you will push your skills to the max if you use it together with the Tricktionary no matter if 1 or 2. Windsurfingg hours of detail work have gone tricitionary. Shooting photo- and video footage synchronously gave us the possibility to fit both products perfectly together!
